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How Long Do IGET Vapes Last?

If I use IGET Vapes normally, how long will they last? What are the main factors that affect the number of days they last?

VapePenZone NZ is a New Zealand online store offering the latest e-cigarette trends and answers to all kinds of questions for vapers.

The duration of an IGET Vape is closely related to its model, battery life, e-liquid capacity, and puff count.

Next, I’ll take three IGET Vapes from the VapePenZone New Zealand as examples of how many days they last.

ModelDisposable vapeDisposable vapePod vape
Battery Capacity1400mAh1750mAh600mAh
E-liquid Capacity12ml13ml16ml
Puff Number350050006000
Duration7 – 15 days10 – 21 days12 – 25 days

However, the biggest factor that affects the lifespan of IGET Vapes is your personal vaping frequency and habits.

In the case of the IGET Bar, for example, if you vape 230-500 puffs a day, it will last for 7-15 days.

But if you vape more than 500 puffs and the vaping time is too long each time, the actual number of puffs from the IGET Bar will likely be cut in half.

What Others Are Asking

How To Know When IGET Vape Is Empty?

Most of the IGET Vapes are designed with an opaque design, which makes determining when they’ve run out an extremely difficult task. So, does anyone have any tips to pass on to me on how to tell when an IGET Vape is empty?

How Much Are IGET Vapes?

Recently my friends around me always recommend IGET Vape. But since my budget is a bit tight these days, I am still in a wait and see mode till now. Also I don’t know much about IGET Vapes products and its price. So can any people help me?

What IGET Has The Most Puffs?

Hi, I am looking for the vape with large puffs recently. And I knew IGET online these days, can anyone tell me the IGET vape with the most puffs? Thank you!

How To Open The Bottom Of A IGET Bar?

I have an IGET Bar at home that has run out of juice, but I don’t intend to throw it away. I’d like to try to open the lid on the bottom of it and take out the batteries to recharge it. I’ve never disassembled an IGET Bar before, so can a professional vaper teach me how to open the bottom cover?

Which IGET Bars Have Nicotine?

Hi guys, I noticed that IGET sometimes doesn’t actually specify that they have nicotine. Are theseIGET Bars not genuine? Is there anyone know which IGET Bars have nicotine?